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Color Wheel 20 cm

Price: €10 (VAT included)

Itten's Color Wheel, diameter: 20 cm, is available in our online store.

Language: English


The product is located: Genoa, Italy
Shipping: Worldwide

Classic 20 cm Color Wheel based on Itten's Color Wheel

  • Language: English
  • Diameter: 20 cm
  • The package includes a sturdy cardboard square. This preserves the integrity of the product during shipping.

Full-color digital print with matte lamination. Matte lamination: covers the product's surfaces with a thin film that absorbs light to reduce light reflection coefficient.

For a product like a color wheel, matte lamination is absolutely necessary as it helps to avoid or reduce light reflection intensity during use, which would interfere with the correct perception of shades. Additionally, it gives the surface depth and a velvety feel, enhancing the overall impression of the product.

First side - Creating optimal color combinations (Designer side):

cardboard color wheel - designer side

Second side - Color Mixing Guide (Painter side):

cardboard color wheel - color mixing guide

Color Mixing Guide for painters: it allows you to see the result of mixing in uniform proportions for all combinations of 12 colors represented on the wheel. This can also be useful during renovations: if the desired shade of paint is unavailable, you can determine which colors will be obtained by mixing the existing ones or which paint needs to be purchased to create specific shades by mixing.

Saturation Scale: helps to roughly estimate the brightness of the tone we have achieved and want to achieve, after which it becomes clear how much to lighten or darken the paint.

More detailed instructions for using the "Color Mixing Guide."

Shipping across Italy and other countries worldwide. Available in Genoa on the same day of the order!

Color Combinations

Using this tool (its designer side), you can find the optimal color combinations according to Itten's theory, which suggests using the schemes shown in this figure:

cardboard color wheel - color combination guide
Category: Palette

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