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Color Analysis Drapes

Price: €90 (VAT included)

Kit 24 Capes of fabric for color analysis

Dimensions: 50 x 30 cm (20 x 12 in)

Durable, non-elastic matte fabric (gabardine).

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The product is located: Genoa, Italy
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Kit of 24 Fabric Drapes for Color Analysis

The essential tool for stylists and image consultants is a set of drapes for professional color analysis. It is necessary to determine the client's color type and to select ideal tones for clothing, accessories, makeup, and hair coloring.

Our set contains 24 tones - 50 x 30 cm (20 x 12 in). It is suitable for working with both the seasonal method and the direct method (draping) to determine the chromatic characteristics of the face. For each color, there are more saturated and more muted, light, and dark tones. Based on the seasonal color theory, each tone can be assigned to a specific color type (season).

List of tones included in the set:

  • 2 tones of white: milk, slightly muted, and bright white. These help determine the level of brightness and contrast of the client's face.
  • Yellow: a slightly warm tone, but it can be used as a contrasting element in clothing accessories for cool color types.
  • Orange: As we know, orange does not have cool tones, so it fits perfectly only with warm facial color types.
  • 4 tones of green: cool, emerald, mint, pine, and grass green.
  • 4 tones of purple: deep cool blue-purple, cool lilac, red-purple, and warm lilac.
  • 4 tones of blue: green-blue, cool light blue, warm dark blue, and turquoise.
  • 4 tones of red: fuchsia, cool light pink, warm burgundy, and salmon.
  • 4 neutral tones: beige, gray, black, and terracotta. These form an excellent base for the wardrobe of virtually any facial and skin color type.
fabric drapes for the cool color family: summer, winter
fabric drapes for the warm color family: spring, autumn

Each drape is equipped with a label indicating the specific tone's characteristics and the color type it belongs to. These will be a great help for the image consultant in the initial stages of their work.

This set fully meets all the requirements necessary for a high-quality professional color analysis test. You will be able to easily conduct color consultations for your clients.

What an Image Consultant Does During a Client's Color Analysis:

  • Identifies the chromatic characteristics of the facial area: skin tone, eye color, and hair color
  • Analyzes the obtained data and evaluates their temperature, brightness, saturation, and the degree of contrast between them
  • Creates an individual palette of clothing tones that best suit the person.

The logical principle of color analysis and creating recommendations on clothing color combinations based on it is that the chromatic characteristics of a person’s skin, eyes, hair, and wardrobe should match: only in this case will the person’s overall appearance look harmonious and stylish. For example, take a look at these photos:

example of clothing recommendations from an image consultant for people with different color types

On the left: we see a face with warm skin and hair tones and blue eyes (a cool color). The contrast (difference in brightness between colors) is minimal. (In seasonal theory, this type is called "Spring"). Below is a clothing option with the same characteristics: a light warm cream tone for the dress, accessories that do not differ much in brightness from it, and a small element of cool blue (matching the eye color) has been added. Agree that such a color combination suits the girl in the photo very well!

Similarly, color combinations were chosen for the other two girls based on temperature and contrast. For the girl in the center, the temperature of the image remains warm, but the contrast increases. In the photo on the right, cool colors predominate, and the contrast is at its maximum. We can see how each of them fits the image recommended by the image consultant.

By using the fabric drapes kit, the specialist not only identifies the client’s chromatic characteristics (an experienced specialist can see them "at a glance"), but also creates several image options based both on their expertise in this field and the client’s individual preferences.

Category: Palette

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