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A girl looking at Itten's color wheel.
29 Jun 2023
By Admin | 29 Jun, 2023 | Armocromia | 0 Comments

What is the Itten color wheel

We present a useful tool for color matching: Itten's color wheel.

It consists of three discs placed on the same axis, on the surfaces of which all the primary colors of the light spectrum are displayed, as well as the maximum possible number of shades and a contrast scale.

The relative arrangement of colors, shades, slots, and pointers on the wheel is implemented based on the laws of "colorism" (color theory), making it very convenient to use for selecting harmonious shade combinations where needed.

In fact, it is an interactive illustrative material that shows all the main color combinations. Interactive because it can be manipulated, unlike an image on the screen.

Structure of the color wheel

The image below shows the two sides of the color wheel that you can purchase on our website. The designer's side (left), useful for color matching, is based on the classic Itten color wheel. The painter's side (right) shows which colors to mix to achieve the desired tone.

two sides of Itten's color wheel

Of course, you need to know how to use such a seemingly complex device, so on our website you can not only purchase a color wheel but also learn the details of its structure and read the instructions on how to use it.

The Wheel for choosing color combinations

The ancestor of this modern tool is Itten's color wheel (see image below).

Johannes Itten was the first to distinguish exactly twelve colors from the entire spectrum and arrange them in a circle in such a way that the complementary colors were opposite each other. In the center, he placed a triangle with the three primary colors: red, blue, and yellow (from which all other colors can be obtained by mixing them in different proportions). Itten enclosed this triangle in a hexagon, inside of which he indicated the shades that would result from mixing the primary colors in equal proportions.

primary, secondary, and tertiary colors on Itten's wheel

In other words, the first information contained in the diagram is aimed at amateur painters, who can clearly see the results obtained from mixing different tones.

Let's take a closer look at this aspect.

Why are there twelve main colors?

As you can see in the figure above, there are three primary colors. By mixing them in equal proportions in pairs, three secondary colors are obtained.

Mixing a primary color with each adjacent secondary color gives a tertiary tone. This results in six more colors, for a total of twelve. (Tertiary tones can also be obtained by mixing the primary colors in unequal proportions.)

Of course, these twelve colors are not enough to navigate the variety of surrounding shades and find the desired tone, nor to see what happens when non-adjacent, completely arbitrary colors are mixed. Therefore, the wheels you can find for sale or order on this site are more complex and contain much more useful information than the simple "Itten color wheel."

Guide to color mixing

color mixing guide

With the help of the painter's side, you can determine the result of mixing arbitrary colors and shades: the number of possible combinations is enough for the artist to understand which colors to mix to achieve a specific tone. This is a wonderful aid for drawing, especially for beginner artists.

Even if the tone is slightly different from the desired one, the desired result can be achieved by adjusting the proportions of the mixed colors.

But how to determine these proportions? By guessing? No, the color wheel can also help with this.

Saturation scale

saturation scale

This scale is on the same side as the color mixing guide because these two functions are related.

The saturation scale is a gradient of gray tones from black to white. Among the gray cells of varying brightness presented on the scale, you can always find a tone with saturation closest to the required tone, after which it will be clear how much to darken or lighten the paint.

Color combinations

The back of the disc contains equally useful information: it helps to identify color combinations based on the selected scheme.

The color combination scheme is a figure, in the simplest case, it is a line that connects two compatible tones. This combination is not absolute, as color choices are not pure science but also art.

Firstly, the harmony or disharmony of tones is a very subjective concept. Everyone has their own tastes.

Secondly, the compatibility of colors depends on the specific situation, the mood, what exactly the artist or designer wants to convey, and the purpose of such a choice: to highlight certain elements, or, on the contrary, to mute them.

The color wheel is a tool on which you can visualize all the main color combinations, but you need to be able to use this tool. You need to know which combination is most suitable for your situation. From our side, we will try to provide you with as much useful information as possible on how to use this tool on this site (see the "articles" section).

Color combination chart

The combinations presented in the chart are classic color combinations, each of which evokes different sensations. This effect is used in completely different areas of design. The skill of a designer (regarding colors) is knowing what feelings each of the combinations evokes and applying them in practice.

Monochromatic combination

monochromatic combination

A combination of shades of different saturation.

Complementary combination

complementary combination

These are opposite tones.

Classic triad

classic triad

Equilateral triangle: the three elements of the combination are equidistant from each other.

Analogous color combination

analogous color combination

Two or more colors close to each other on the color wheel.
In any of the schemes, one tone is chosen as the main one, the others are secondary.

Contrasting triad (or Split-complementary)

contrasting triad

Isosceles triangle: two elements (separated by one section) are equidistant from the third element on the opposite side. (An enriched view of a complementary combination).

Tetrad (rectangle or square)

rectangular scheme

Two pairs of complementary combinations.
A rich range of four colors.

You can order this product on our website by accessing the Product Catalog


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